Devorah: Judge, Prophetess & Mother
The prophetess Devorah is a most intriguing, but also an elusive, female character in Tanach…
Who Was Tzipora, the Wife of Moshe, the Greatest of All Prophets?
Imagine what outstanding middot and refined qualities a girl would need to possess to be worthy of marrying Moshe Rabbeinu…
Namnah: A Woman “Gaon”
There are many great leaders throughout Jewish history who were given the second name “Gaon”, meaning “genius” in Hebrew…
The Outgoing Personality of Dinah
Dinah was the only daughter born to Yaakov mentioned in the text. Despite her unique status, she is a very quiet character…
Marta, Wife of Cohen Gadol: Wealth is Not the End-All
Marta, having come from the family of Boethusians, adhered to the belief that one’s focus should be on Olam Hazeh, or life on earth…
Ima Shalom: When Womanhood Is Whole
The Torah introduces the remarkable role of a woman, specifically within the framework of marriage, with Sarah. Not only the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac, Sarah stood as a leader to all women…