Read more: Do Women Need to Invest the Same Effort as Men into Finding Their Soulmates?Family life lies at the heart of our Torah world. There is perhaps no value held so dear that we have countless sefarim written and songs composed about the beauty of Torah marriage and the importance of harmony in the home. Yet, as beautiful as marriage and family building is, it is in fact only listed as a mitzva for the man to seek out a wife, and not the other way round. This article will discuss this idea as well as exploring whether this exempts a woman from investing efforts…
Read more: Untangling the Myths on Tumah and TaharaWhen a woman becomes niddah through the natural processes of her body, she becomes tamei through no fault of her own…
Read more: Finding Our Way: The Role of Mentors and Models in Jewish LifeThis article explores the concept of role models through the lens of Jewish tradition…