Bechukotai: Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Hashem is encouraging us that familiarity with us will never cause Him to look down on us or to seek distance.
Behar: A Godly Vision
There are some decisions in life that just seem so obvious. Should we move to a warm community or an unfriendly one? Send to an excellent school or a poor one?
Emor: The Strength in Soft Speech
This week’s parsha is called Emor, from the early words of the portion ‘Emor el hakohanim,’ ‘Say to the priests.’
Acharei Mot: Distancing Ourselves from Non-Jewish Practices
This week’s parsha makes reference to what we call “chukot hagoy,” which means the practices of other nations.
Metzora: The True Meaning of Impurity
Parshat Metzora continues discussing various halachot related to the topic of purity and impurity.
Tazria: Music to One’s Ears
We turn to the parsha this week, the portion in which we learn about the sin of lashon hara, (lit. evil speech, gossip)