Rebbetzin Denah Weinberg: Surpassing Achievement
Alongside twelve brothers, Dinah was born to the patriarch of the Jewish nation, Yaakov…
Namnah: A Woman “Gaon”
There are many great leaders throughout Jewish history who were given the second name “Gaon”, meaning “genius” in Hebrew…
Marta, Wife of Cohen Gadol: Wealth is Not the End-All
Marta, having come from the family of Boethusians, adhered to the belief that one’s focus should be on Olam Hazeh, or life on earth…
Ima Shalom: When Womanhood Is Whole
The Torah introduces the remarkable role of a woman, specifically within the framework of marriage, with Sarah. Not only the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac, Sarah stood as a leader to all women…
Nechama Leibowitz: A Scholar in Her Own Right
We can learn from morah Nechama, as she preferred to be called and as was written on her tombstone, many strengths behind Jewish faith…
Beruria: A Scholarly Woman Before Her Time
It is rare that we find the name of a woman mentioned in the Talmud. Beruria was one such exception…