Tu Bishvat: Failure Is a Catalyst for Growth
As the winter in Israel begins to fade, and Shvat heralds in the promise of spring, we celebrate Tu Bishvat – the Rosh Hashana of the trees. On this festive day of Tu B’shvat, the sap begins rising in the trees, signaling rebirth and renewal after the bareness of the cold winter. Rav Eliyahu Kitov…
Feminine Lessons from Tu Bishvat
Unless you live in Australia, you’re likely wearing muted winter colours and textures, a cosy turtleneck, and a velour sweatshirt thrown on for good measure. Your nose is probably red and raw from too much tissue rubbing and you’re probably recovering or going through some form of the common cold. The weather outside matches your…
Yitro: Women Have a Passion for Mitzvot
In terms of Emunah, Parshat Yitro and the giving of the Torah is probably one of the most fundamental sections of our story, equalled perhaps only by Yetziat Mitzrayim (coming out of Egypt) and Briyat Haolam (the Creation of the World). The Torah was given to all of Am Yisrael – men, women, children, and…
The Outgoing Personality of Dinah
Dinah was the only daughter born to Yaakov mentioned in the text. Despite her unique status, she is a very quiet character…
A Summary of the Halachot of Pesach
Our ancestors had to leave Egypt so hurriedly that they did not have time to wait for their dough to rise while preparing food to take with them on their exodus into the desert…
Purim: The Holiday of Ultimate Trust in Hashem
On Purim, we’re all very busy celebrating the festival through the four mitzvot associated with the day…