Michal: Rebuke Is Not Necessarily Negative
When looking further into the “tragic” story of Michal, as is the term often used when describing her story, it was clear that her strength has been misconstrued as weakness…
Kimchis, Tzniut and Kohanim
I close the door to their room softly, breathe a huge sigh of relief and look around at my living space which resembles a toy tornado…
Avigayil: Mastering the Art of Multitasking
A person of ‘good sense’ (sachel) is usually someone who is considered to be street smart and understands people…
Beruria: A Scholarly Woman Before Her Time
It is rare that we find the name of a woman mentioned in the Talmud. Beruria was one such exception…
Al Kahina: The North African Jewish Queen
This is the tale of Dihya al Kahina, Jewish warrior and queen. Her story, or however much of it we can piece together from the records of her nemeses, is a legend of mystique…
Tamar: A Selfless Hero
We meet Tamar in the book of Genesis, where her story is presented in the midst of the tale of Yosef…