Hagar: The Consequences of False Judgements
“Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had not borne to him, and she had an Egyptian handmaid named Hagar”…
Freyda, Daughter of the Alter Rebbe: The Balancing Act of Salt
In the Torah, how do we understand salt? For one, salt was required alongside all sacrificial offerings at the Holy Temple. Some have used salt as an analogy for G-d’s love towards His people; just as the preservative prevents decay, G-d’s covenant preserves His love with the nation of Israel. People often enjoy adding salt…
Chuldah: A Woman of Vision, Prayer and Prophecy
Though her story may be lesser known, her prophecy in many ways depicts the modest greatness and historic impact of female leadership…
Queen of Sheba: Pursuing Wisdom for Its Own Sake
The Queen of Sheba, mentioned at the beginning of Melachim and again in Divrei Hayamim, is a historical figure…
Rebbetzin Denah Weinberg: Surpassing Achievement
Alongside twelve brothers, Dinah was born to the patriarch of the Jewish nation, Yaakov…
Batya: Facilitator of the Jewish People’s Redemption
The story of Moshe Rabbeinu and, by extension, the geula of the Jewish people from Mitzrayim, is incomplete without Batya…