Blowing the Shofar: Confusing the Satan?
Confusing the Satan really can be understood as working with our own internal voices…
On the Feminine Gift of Speech
The most important things in life are built or destroyed with the power of ma’amarot, spoken words…
Navigating the Paradoxes of Teshuva
In this article, we will delve into two different instances of seemingly paradoxical elements within the concept of teshuva, as explained by Rav Steinsaltz…
Rosh Hashanah: Choosing Your Soulmate
Adam was created on Rosh Hashanah, alone on Earth until one of his ribs was used to create Chava later that same day. Some women envy Chava for the ease with which she acquired a spouse…
Nitzavim-Vayelech: Circumcision of the Heart
It is not enough to arouse our hearts with inspired feelings of Ahavat Hashem (love of Hashem). We must integrate this love so deeply that there is no room for any other love…
Women and Torah Study: Halachic and Hashkafic Analysis
Each question we ask as women in Judaism, comes with an array of avenues and directions one can examine it through. ..