Abba’s Wife: Pray for Rain, or for Repentance?
The Jewish calendar helps Am Yisrael understand and connect to life in its many “seasons” – literally and figuratively…
Rebbetzin Bruria Hutner David: What’s In A Name?
Rebbetzin Bruria David was born in 1938 to her parents Rav Yitzchak and Masha Hutner and was their only child…
Freyda, Daughter of the Alter Rebbe: The Balancing Act of Salt
In the Torah, how do we understand salt? For one, salt was required alongside all sacrificial offerings at the Holy Temple. Some have used salt as an analogy for G-d’s love towards His people; just as the preservative prevents decay, G-d’s covenant preserves His love with the nation of Israel. People often enjoy adding salt…
Rebbetzin Denah Weinberg: Surpassing Achievement
Alongside twelve brothers, Dinah was born to the patriarch of the Jewish nation, Yaakov…
Namnah: A Woman “Gaon”
There are many great leaders throughout Jewish history who were given the second name “Gaon”, meaning “genius” in Hebrew…
Marta, Wife of Cohen Gadol: Wealth is Not the End-All
Marta, having come from the family of Boethusians, adhered to the belief that one’s focus should be on Olam Hazeh, or life on earth…