Namnah: A Woman “Gaon”
There are many great leaders throughout Jewish history who were given the second name “Gaon”, meaning “genius” in Hebrew…
Marta, Wife of Cohen Gadol: Wealth is Not the End-All
Marta, having come from the family of Boethusians, adhered to the belief that one’s focus should be on Olam Hazeh, or life on earth…
Ima Shalom: When Womanhood Is Whole
The Torah introduces the remarkable role of a woman, specifically within the framework of marriage, with Sarah. Not only the wife of Abraham and the mother of Isaac, Sarah stood as a leader to all women…
Nechama Leibowitz: A Scholar in Her Own Right
We can learn from morah Nechama, as she preferred to be called and as was written on her tombstone, many strengths behind Jewish faith…
Beruria: A Scholarly Woman Before Her Time
It is rare that we find the name of a woman mentioned in the Talmud. Beruria was one such exception…
Al Kahina: The North African Jewish Queen
This is the tale of Dihya al Kahina, Jewish warrior and queen. Her story, or however much of it we can piece together from the records of her nemeses, is a legend of mystique…