Pekudei: Self-Accounting in Judaism
This week’s parsha begins with the pekudim, a full accounting of every shekel and kikar donated towards the Mishkan. While the verses may seem repetitive, each material recorded in this parsha serves to underscore the value the Torah places on accountability. Though we do not all work as treasurers or accountants, Pekudei is a parsha…
Vayakhel: There Is No Wisdom to Woman Except the Spindle
A woman’s wisdom is all contained within her spindle. Because a woman is a connector, a woman is a weaver…
Ki Tisa: Betzalel’s Inheritance from His Grandmother
I have endowed him with a divine spirit of skill, ability and knowledge in every kind of craft…
Tetzave: Oversharing One’s Emotions
Inside the Mishkan, Hashem instructed the placing of a partition between the Kodesh and the Kodesh Hakedoshim…
Teruma: The Role of Physical Beauty in Judaism
From Parshat Teruma onwards, the focus of Sefer Shemot shifts from Egypt to Sinai to the construction of the Mishkan and its accompanying avoda…
Mishpatim: Is There a Difference Between Honoring Father and Mother?
After Matan Torah, after witnessing Har Sinai amidst thunder and lightning, shofar blows and Hashem’s voice, awe and inspiration – we left on a spiritual high. Parshat Mishpatim concretises that spiritual high and breaks down the incredible depth and beauty of living a Torah life into laws which inform and influence our everyday interactions with…