The Mechitza: A Structure for Empowerment and Intention
The mechitza; it’s one of the most noted, and contested structures in our synagogues today…
Are Women Obligated in Birkat Hamazon?
A remarkable element of Jewish life is how in our everyday acts we are offered the opportunity to connect to Hashem and show gratitude for what He has blessed us with. An expression of this is in the commandment to thank Hashem both before and after we eat. The mitzvah of birkat hamazon (the after…
Bal Tashchit & Going Green: A Torah Perspective
A story is told of the young Rav Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch, out walking one day alongside his father…
Do Women Need to Invest the Same Effort as Men into Finding Their Soulmates?
Family life lies at the heart of our Torah world…