Does Torah Observance Mean a Life Full of Blessings and Revealed Good?
For some, it would be a fair assumption to say that if we are living a Torah life, a life in accordance with halacha and the correct Torah hashkafot, then Hashem should bestow goodness upon us. We are, after all, living how He wants us to live. We are doing our part, and therefore, it…
The ABCs of Prayer
Where Does the Concept of Prayer Come From? In the Shema, we are given the commandment to ‘serve Him (Hashem) with all your heart’1. The Gemara2 explains that we achieve this through prayer. For this reason, prayer is referred to as the ‘work of the heart’3. Prayer is also a replacement for the sacrifices of…
Serving Hashem With What We Have
Toward the end of the chagim, we read Kohelet, written by Shlomo HaMelech. While reading it, I thought about Shlomo’s father, King David, and I discovered something fascinating that never struck me before. From his beginnings as a shepherd to the times he was homeless, running and hiding from his enemies, King David in his…
Why Does a Man Need to Give His Wife a Get?
Marriage is one of the most sacred unions, and in Judaism marriage plays a central and holy role. In fact, in Jewish texts, we often see Israel compared to a bride and Hashem to a groom, as in Shir HaShirim and many places in the prophets. One may assume that, given the importance and sacredness…