Miriam: A Prophetess and a Leader
We first meet Miriam as she appears with the name Puah. Rashi explains that the two midwives, Shifra and Puah, who helped the women in Egypt give birth at the time of their subjugation, were none other than Yocheved and Miriam. Yocheved was called Shifra because she used to clean up the babies, and Miriam…
Cultivating Calmness: Lessons from our Matriarchs
Work. School. Community. Home. Life is busy. There is no doubt about it. We live in a world where most of us women wear different hats, take on many roles, and divide our time between family, friends, and various responsibilities. Often, it feels as if the clock ticks faster and we’re spread thinner. In an…
Pekudei: Self-Accounting in Judaism
This week’s parsha begins with the pekudim, a full accounting of every shekel and kikar donated towards the Mishkan. While the verses may seem repetitive, each material recorded in this parsha serves to underscore the value the Torah places on accountability. Though we do not all work as treasurers or accountants, Pekudei is a parsha…
Freyda, Daughter of the Alter Rebbe: The Balancing Act of Salt
In the Torah, how do we understand salt? For one, salt was required alongside all sacrificial offerings at the Holy Temple. Some have used salt as an analogy for G-d’s love towards His people; just as the preservative prevents decay, G-d’s covenant preserves His love with the nation of Israel. People often enjoy adding salt…
Mishpatim: Is There a Difference Between Honoring Father and Mother?
After Matan Torah, after witnessing Har Sinai amidst thunder and lightning, shofar blows and Hashem’s voice, awe and inspiration – we left on a spiritual high. Parshat Mishpatim concretises that spiritual high and breaks down the incredible depth and beauty of living a Torah life into laws which inform and influence our everyday interactions with…