The Halachot of Rosh Hashanah

This year we have two days of Rosh Hashanah followed by Shabbat. This poses special halachic questions and has been considered in the following halachot

“Erev” Rosh Hashanah

On the eve of Rosh Hashanah we do “hatarat nedarim” (the undoing of vows). A woman who cannot do so before a bet din may appoint her husband, or any other person, to perform it on her behalf.

Each household must make an “eruv tavshilin” to enable preparation on the second day of Rosh Hashanah for Shabbat the following day. If a household were to forget, they can nevertheless rely on the Rav’s “eruv tavshilin”.

The “eruv tavshilin” is made by setting aside two types of cooked food (e.g a boiled egg and a matzah), which are to be eaten at “seudat shelishit” on Shabbat and reciting the beracha (to be found in your machzor).

Candle Lighting

Two candles are lit on each day of Rosh Hashanah, and another two before Shabbat.

One must be careful to leave a 48-hour candle burning, as a new flame may not be lit, and can only be transferred from an existing flame.

Some women are accustomed to saying the beracha of “shechiyanu” upon lighting the candles, while others do not.

When lighting candles for the second day of Rosh Hashanah, one must ensure that the first day is over, by following the times in your calendar, and when lighting for Shabbat, one must ensure that Shabbat has not yet arrived. (that it is before “shkia”)


On both nights of Rosh Hashanah, kiddush is made, and the beracha of “shechiyanu” is recited.

On the second night, some are accustomed to have a new fruit on the table when saying “shehecheiyanu”

The Meal

Hands are washed, and “Hamotzei” made. Many are accustomed to dip the bread in sugar or honey, as well as the usual salt.

After eating a “kezayit” of bread, tasting different fruits and vegetables is customary, as a good sign for the coming year.

A beracha should be made before eating them as they are not part of the main meal.

It is also customary to have the head of a fish on the table as a sign that we should always be at the head, and not the tail.

It is customary to not eat sour or spicy hot food but sweet food as a good sign.


One must be careful not to get angry on Rosh Hashanah, as this is a bad sign for the rest of the year.

It is customary not to sleep after the morning meal until midday.


  • Morning prayers are said as per the siddur
  • The shofar is blown after the Torah reading, before “Musaf”
  • Kiddush is recited, and a festive meal is served
  • After mincha on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, it is customary to go to a source of water and say the tashlich prayer as in the siddur


Women are exempt from hearing the shofar as it is a positive time-bound mitzvah. Nevertheless, women are accustomed to hearing the shofar.

The shofar can be heard all day.

The minimum that is required to be heard is tekiah โ€“ teruah โ€“ tekiah, three times (altogether nine notes).

Some Halachot of Yom Tov

It is best to prepare all food before Yom Tov, but one who did not can cook and prepare food on Yom Tov.

It is permitted to shower on Yom Tov, before Shabbat, and hot water from a “dud shemesh” may be used, but one must be careful not to squeeze one’s hair.

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