Judith Montefiore: A Woman of Unparalleled Faith and Influence
Few are as familiar with Lady Judith Montefiore as they are with her husband, Sir Moses Montefiore, who is renowned for his influence in both Jewish and non-Jewish circles.
Bnot Tzelofchad: Female Agents of Change
Every word in the Torah teaches us something; no single term is excessive or unnecessary.
Grace Aguilar: Using Writing to Glorify G-d’s Name
Her collection of literary works is huge and includes books, articles, collections of poems and the like.
The Beauty and Practicality of Rachel and Rabbi Akiva’s Story
Like many of the most powerful stories in the Torah, the story of Rachel and Akiva has become romanticized.
Chava: Connecting Back to the Source
“The world was created in the merit of three things — challah, tithes, and first fruits.”
Chava, The Giver
Adam and Chava lived in a place of exquisite perfection. Their world was beautiful and rich, filled with every physical and spiritual comfort imaginable. Their only command was not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge, the Eitz Hadaas. However, within one day of their creation, the snake had enticed Chava to eat of its…