Women in Tanakh

  • Rachel: The Power of Silence

    Rachel: The Power of Silence

    “A cry is heard in Ramah— Wailing, bitter weeping— Rachel weeping for her children. She refuses to be comforted For her children, who are gone. Thus said G-d: Restrain your voice from weeping, Your eyes from shedding tears; For there is a reward for your labor —declares the LORD: They shall return from the enemy’s…

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  • Ruth: From Princess to Pauper and Back Again

    Ruth: From Princess to Pauper and Back Again

    Why do we read The Book of Ruth on Shavuot? Unlike other holidays where the readings are directly linked (e.g., Megillat Esther on Purim, Eichah on Tisha B’Av, etc.), Megillat Ruth doesn’t appear to have a clear connection to Shavuot itself. In fact, there are multiple reasons given as to the why. A few include:…

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