Batya: Facilitator of the Jewish People’s Redemption
The story of Moshe Rabbeinu and, by extension, the geula of the Jewish people from Mitzrayim, is incomplete without Batya…
Osnat: How Can the Daughter of an Immoral Priest Become Yosef’s Wife?
Osnat is arguably one of the most mysterious characters in the Tanach.
The Unknown Side of Esther HaMalka
Esther was a queen of mystery. She acted with supreme tzniut in concealing herself…
Miriam: A Prophetess and a Leader
We first meet Miriam as she appears with the name Puah. Rashi explains that the two midwives, Shifra and Puah, who helped the women in Egypt give birth…
Bnot Tzelofchad: Female Agents of Change
Every word in the Torah teaches us something; no single term is excessive or unnecessary.
Chava: Connecting Back to the Source
“The world was created in the merit of three things — challah, tithes, and first fruits.”