Avigayil: Mastering the Art of Multitasking
A person of ‘good sense’ (sachel) is usually someone who is considered to be street smart and understands people…
Tamar: A Selfless Hero
We meet Tamar in the book of Genesis, where her story is presented in the midst of the tale of Yosef…
Leah: The True Value of Gratitude
Every Jewish schoolchild knows that the very first word out of our mouths each morning is “Modeh ani.”
Rachav: From Harlot to Righteous
How does a non-Jewish harlot, famed for her good looks and beauty, marry the leader of the Jewish nation, Yehoshua Bin Nun?..
Bnot Tzelofchad: Female Agents of Change
Every word in the Torah teaches us something; no single term is excessive or unnecessary. Hence, the mention of the daughters of Tzelofchad in two different places, and the details that were chronicled, convey an important message for all generations…
Tamar: Unholy Actions, Holy Outcomes
In Parshat Vayeishev, we are introduced to Tamar, an exemplary tzaddeket who was as righteous as she was beautiful…