Hagar: The Consequences of False Judgements
“Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had not borne to him, and she had an Egyptian handmaid named Hagar”…
Chuldah: A Woman of Vision, Prayer and Prophecy
Though her story may be lesser known, her prophecy in many ways depicts the modest greatness and historic impact of female leadership…
Queen of Sheba: Pursuing Wisdom for Its Own Sake
The Queen of Sheba, mentioned at the beginning of Melachim and again in Divrei Hayamim, is a historical figure…
Batya: Facilitator of the Jewish People’s Redemption
The story of Moshe Rabbeinu and, by extension, the geula of the Jewish people from Mitzrayim, is incomplete without Batya…
Devorah: Judge, Prophetess & Mother
The prophetess Devorah is a most intriguing, but also an elusive, female character in Tanach…
Who Was Tzipora, the Wife of Moshe, the Greatest of All Prophets?
Imagine what outstanding middot and refined qualities a girl would need to possess to be worthy of marrying Moshe Rabbeinu…