Yitro: Women Have a Passion for Mitzvot
In terms of Emunah, Parshat Yitro and the giving of the Torah is probably one of the most fundamental sections of our story…
Beshalach: The Tambourines and Jewish Women’s Unshakable Faith
Parshat Beshalach opens with the Egyptian pursuit of the Jews into the desert, and the splitting of the Red Sea…
Bo: The Diminishment of the Moon and Feminine Virtues
One of the key pieces of Parshat Bo is the commandment for the Mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh. This Mitzvah has an inherent connection to the women of our nation on multiple levels…
Va’era: Overcoming Our Nature Like Frogs!
On the major scale, we have women like Yehudit or Yael, who put their lives at risk for the safety of Am Yisrael…
Shemot: What Is So Feminine about the Number 70?
In the beginning of Parshat Shemot, the Torah enumerates the descendants that traveled to Egypt with Yaakov. The pasuk states that Yaakov had seventy descendants with him when he came down to Mitazrayim…