
  • Tzav: There’s No Shame in a Wicker Basket

    Tzav: There’s No Shame in a Wicker Basket

    Of the many korbanot (sacrifices) that a person may bring in his lifetime, one that the Torah speaks about in this week’s parsha is the chat’at, the sin-offering.

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  • Emor: The Strength in Soft Speech

    Emor: The Strength in Soft Speech

    This week’s parsha is called Emor, from the early words of the portion ‘Emor el hakohanim,’ ‘Say to the priests.’ The parsha begins with an instruction to the priests of the nation. There is something very special about ‘amira,’ about ‘saying,’ that may have skipped our notice. If we think about it, how many times…

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  • Acharei-Mot: Counting Our Spiritual Growth

    Acharei-Mot: Counting Our Spiritual Growth

    We are now in the time of Sefirat HaOmer, the 49-day count which takes us, step-by-step, from the physical liberty of Egypt to the spiritual freedom of Sinai.  Rav Kurland brings down from the ‘Neot Hadesheh’ a great question.  Ordinarily, we have a concept in Jewish law that we fulfil mitzvot through a condition called…

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