Shemini: Ask Your Elders!
‘And it was on the eighth day…’ It was the first of Nissan, the day they had spent seven days preparing for the day of the inauguration of the Mishkan.
Tzav: There’s No Shame in a Wicker Basket
Of the many korbanot (sacrifices) that a person may bring in his lifetime, one that the Torah speaks about in this week’s parsha is the chat’at, the sin-offering.
Vayikra: Sacrificing Our Souls
We have finished travelling through the layers of Creation. We have journeyed far; from Adam and Chava in the lush Garden of Eden…
Pekudei: Self-Accounting in Judaism
This week’s parsha begins with the pekudim, a full accounting of every shekel and kikar donated towards the Mishkan…
Vayakhel: There Is No Wisdom to Woman Except the Spindle
This week’s parsha discusses the donations of the “chachmei leiv”, the wise-hearted men and women who gave materials towards the Mishkan…
Ki Tisa: Betzalel’s Inheritance from His Grandmother
I have endowed him with a divine spirit of skill, ability and knowledge in every kind of craft.