Balak: A Woman’s Dream
Tamara Klein
Streamer, gardener, learner, cedar… It is every Jewish woman’s dream. It is our desire to build true homes of Torah…
Chukat: Holy Cow!
Tamara Klein
This week’s parsha contains the quintessential chok (lit. statute) of the Torah, a commandment that is completely beyond the realm of human understanding…
Korach: Feeling Out of this World!
Tamara Klein
If we think about the way that Hashem set up reality; the world and its natural laws, we see that there is really no room for jealousy at all.
Shelach Lecha: Desiring What Is Forbidden
Tamara Klein
“Kids, we’re going to visit Grandma and Grandpa, let’s get ready!” You shout up the stairs. “I’m not coming!” Your ten-year-old fights back.
Beha’alotcha: It’s the Wonderful Manna
Tamara Klein
Amidst our journey through the desert, guided by the Heavenly pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night, the nation is sustained by manna falling from the sky.
Naso: The Centrality of Peace in Judaism
Tamara Klein
This week’s parsha contains the fascinating laws of the Isha Sotah, literally translated as the ‘wayward woman.’