Emor: The Strength in Soft Speech
This week’s parsha is called Emor, from the early words of the portion ‘Emor el hakohanim,’ ‘Say to the priests.’
Acharei Mot: Distancing Ourselves from Non-Jewish Practices
This week’s parsha makes reference to what we call “chukot hagoy,” which means the practices of other nations.
Metzora: The True Meaning of Impurity
Parshat Metzora continues discussing various halachot related to the topic of purity and impurity.
Tazria: Music to One’s Ears
We turn to the parsha this week, the portion in which we learn about the sin of lashon hara, (lit. evil speech, gossip)
Shemini: Ask Your Elders!
‘And it was on the eighth day…’ It was the first of Nissan, the day they had spent seven days preparing for the day of the inauguration of the Mishkan.
Tzav: There’s No Shame in a Wicker Basket
Of the many korbanot (sacrifices) that a person may bring in his lifetime, one that the Torah speaks about in this week’s parsha is the chat’at, the sin-offering.