Bereshit: The Purpose of Chava’s Curses
In the same way that we view the curses as a guide for the woman’s quest to self-perfection, we can also present the three primary mitzvot of women in this way…
Ha’azinu: Tapping into the Holy Dew
Parshat Ha’azinu is a song filled with poetic language about the Jewish people’s journey with Hashem, and the ups and downs throughout their history…
Nitzavim-Vayelech: Circumcision of the Heart
It is not enough to arouse our hearts with inspired feelings of Ahavat Hashem (love of Hashem). We must integrate this love so deeply that there is no room for any other love…
Ki Tavo: How to Battle Against Sichon
At the end of the parsha, Moshe reminds the people of the miracles Hashem performed for them. From leaving Egypt, to receiving manna from Heaven – and the wars with Sichon, King of Cheshbon and Og, King of Bashan…
Ki Teitzei: The Non-Jewish Woman Captive
As we rid ourselves of our garments soiled from sin, cut off our hair and nails – the habits which drag us down spiritually – we uncover the eishet yefat toar, the perfect spiritual beauty, dwelling inside each of our souls…
Shoftim: Internalizing Our Strengths and Weaknesses
The first step of our teshuva journey is not even the teshuva itself, but developing the awareness of our habits and behaviors…