Vayishlach: The Holiness of Simplicity
At the beginning of this week’s parsha, the pasuk tells us ‘vayivater yaakov levado,’ that Yaakov was left alone…
Vayeitzei: Understanding Leah’s Tearstained Eyes
Our first introduction to Leah is a description of her tender eyes1, in contrast to Rachel who is portrayed as beautiful and serene…
Toldot: Praying with the Fervor of a Pitchfork
The beginning of the parsha depicts the powerful scene of Yitzchak and Rivka praying together for a child…
Chayei Sarah: Contrasting the Greatness of Sarah and Rivka
The parsha which records Sara Imeinu’s passing is the parsha which is called ‘Chayei Sara,’ the life of Sara…
Vayeira: Our Salvation Is Born from the Impossible
Sara’s primary identity is not only as the mother of Yitzchak, but the mother of the whole Jewish nation…
Lech Lecha: Eretz Yisrael, The Homeland of Our Soul
‘To the land which I will show you.’ In this week’s parsha, Hashem promises the land of Eretz Yisrael to Avraham and his descendants…