
  • Audio Classes

    A Summary of the Halachot of Pesach A Feminine Perspective on Matza The Role of Jewish Women in the Geula Lessons of Faith in Kriyat Yam Suf Pesach: Learning from Our Past without Being Stuck in It Untangling the Myths on Tumah and Tahara The Eyes, Windows of the Soul: A Torah Perspective on Crying…

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  • Contributors

    Dayan Shlomo Cohen Dayan Shlomo Cohen, originally from London, is the Rabbi of Tzofia. He oversees the content and ensures its proper hashkafic and halachic suitability. Dayan Cohen came to Israel after qualifying as an accountant and working as a financial consultant in the City of London. In Israel, Dayan Cohen graduated from Yeshivat HaNegev after…

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    Liora Rosenblatt Founder and CEO Dayan Shlomo Cohen Rabbinical Advisor Tamara Klein Writer Chevy Weiss Writer Talia Goodkin Writer Mindel Kassorla Writer Michal Caplan Writer Leah Steinberg Writer Shula Rosen Writer Malka Majer Writer Ariella Sevitz Pinsky Writer Toby Finkelstein Writer Shani Gelb Writer Jordyn Stone Writer Riva Kent Writer Esther Lewin Writer Miriam Kellner…

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