Are Women Obligated in Birkat Hamazon?
A remarkable element of Jewish life is how in our everyday acts we are offered the opportunity to connect to Hashem and show gratitude for what He has blessed us with. An expression of this is in the commandment to thank Hashem both before and after we eat. The mitzvah of birkat hamazon (the after…
Case Study of a Woman’s Vows: The Nazirite Woman
The Mishna in nazir tells the story of Queen Helena, whose son had gone to war…
Women and Tefilla: Obligation or Benevolence?
Tefilla as we know of it today was instituted by a woman named Chana, wife of Elkanah…
A Mother’s Influence: Why Is Jewish Identity Matrilineal?
Ever since matan Torah, the answer to the question of who is a Jew has been straightforward and unanimous…
A Married Woman Taking On Her Husband’s Customs
The concept of minhag is a vast one with a wide spectrum of authority and functions…