Can a Woman Carry a Weapon?
In recent weeks, many news and social media outlets have been reporting on the high increase in women learning how to train to use a firearm…
The Torah’s Perspective on ‘Kids in Pain’
Each week, every Jewish woman closes her eyes and davens for righteous children, children who bring her, and ultimately Hashem, the greatest nachat…
Understanding the Mitzvah to Love Hashem
The mitzvah to love Hashem is the fourth of the six constant mitzvot—commandments that are always binding, regardless of time or circumstance…
Biblical Women and Music: A Love Story
Music is a gateway to one of the most transcendent experiences we can have in Olam Hazeh…
Explaining Motherhood and Nurture Through Avraham’s Chesed
How do we, as women, emulate his Chesed in our lives?..
Shatnez: The Balance between Chesed and Gevurah
Shatnez is the Torah prohibition of wearing garments made of a combination of sheep’s wool and flax linen…