Ezer Kenegdo: Is a Woman Supposed to Be a Helper or an Adversary?
The Torah is filled with beautiful and complex phrases, each one giving us an opportunity to study its meaning and the lessons held within…
Does Unity Mean Uniformity?
In fact, the beauty and functionality of the Jewish people is based on our differences. We need men and women. People studying Torah and people studying a trade…
Wigs and Avoda Zara
How a woman covers her hair after marriage is a deeply personal decision…
Origins, Implications and Meaning of Candle Lighting
Parshat Beha’alotecha begins with a description of the lighting of the menorah…
On the Feminine Gift of Speech
The most important things in life are built or destroyed with the power of ma’amarot, spoken words…
Women and Torah Study: Halachic and Hashkafic Analysis
Each question we ask as women in Judaism, comes with an array of avenues and directions one can examine it through. ..