Binah, An Inherent Feminine Quality
What is Binah? Some translate it as intuition, emotional intelligence, or the capacity to understand the deeper realities that surround us.
Ervah: Definition, Implications and Meaning
We see ervah referenced in Tanakh in a few places, namely in parshat Acharei-mot, where it details illicit sexual relationships…
Unveiling the Mystery of the Sotah
Perhaps exploring the motivation and mindset of a Sotah can offer a deeper insight into not just why married women cover their hair, but what is at stake when it is uncovered.Â
Can a Woman Wear Tzitzit or a Talit?
What we wear matters. The Torah makes this clear in a number of places, notably giving a great deal of devotion to the garments of the priests in the book of Vayikra.
On the Discouragement of Women Wearing Tefillin
Jewish women are exempt from 14 positive time-bound mitzvot. In most of these mitzvot, women are allowed to voluntarily keep them…