What Is the Torah’s View on Birth Control?
The first mitzvah in the Torah is given to Adam: pru u’reveu u’maleh et ha’aretz. “Be fruitful and multiply and fill up the land”.
10 Tips to Make the Most of Your Dating Experience
Truthfully, it’s almost impossible for people to be totally natural on a first date, and that’s actually very natural…
Is Kollel the Ideal Way of Life?
When looking at the obligations between spouses in the Rishonim, there is no specific mention of a wife supporting her husband’s learning…
On the Biblical Origins and Effectiveness of Shidduchim
Shidduchim are an age-old tradition with very real biblical sources, halachic ramifications, and meaningful results…
Analyzing the Timeless Lessons of the Eishet Chayil
Verses 27-31The children and husband rising to praise her indicate a deep respect and admiration for their mother and wife…