Diverging Opinions on Head Covering
The way in which a married woman chooses to cover her hair is not as straightforward as an onlooker may imagine.
If Hashem Is Everywhere, Why Do We Need a Holy Land?
Why do we need Eretz Yisrael, and what is its unique status? How can we confine the Infinite to a specific, finite space?
Is Israel Really the Safest Place for the Jewish People?
Hashem is our refuge, Israel our land. We turn to Him now and ask that He continue to bestow protection on us in our land…
The Mitzvah of Knowing Hashem
The Sefer HaChinuch in his introduction instructs us on the Sheish Mitzvot Temidiyot, The Six Constant Mitzvot…
Shmirat Negia and the Blessings of Boundaries
in Judaism, touch is protected and reserved for only the most intimate relationships, and sexual touch is reserved only for a husband and wife at specific times.Â
Binah, An Inherent Feminine Quality
What is Binah? Some translate it as intuition, emotional intelligence, or the capacity to understand the deeper realities that surround us.