Women and Torah Study: Halachic and Hashkafic Analysis
Each question we ask as women in Judaism, comes with an array of avenues and directions one can examine it through. ..
Letting Go of Control
What if I lose my job? What if the stock market plunges? What if one of my family members becomes ill? Sound familiar? Many of us go through life asking ourselves questions we have no control over…
Jewish Law and a Woman’s Right to Vote
In our era, it may be hard to imagine a time when women weren’t allowed to vote…
The Role and Significance of the Rabbanim and Sages
Judaism is a religion of laws – halacha. Through keeping and learning our laws, we are constantly involved in our relationship with Hashem…
Mashpia vs Mekabel: Exploring the Feminine Virtue of Receiving
In a world of givers and takers, very few people want to be perceived as takers…
What Shabbat Teaches us About Jewish Vacation
The Jewish view of time is that it is our most precious commodity. We are enjoined to maximize every moment to its fullest…