Humility, the Opposite of Arrogance
Part I: What Is True Humility?The ideal measure for all character traits, as the Rambam explains, is to be balanced in the middle way.
10 Tips to Make the Most of Your Dating Experience
Truthfully, it’s almost impossible for people to be totally natural on a first date, and that’s actually very natural…
Gratitude and Its Levels
Gratitude is a part of our essence, and is what defines us as a nation…
Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?
Part 3: Rav Soloveitchik’s Anti-TheodicyRav Soloveitchik first confronts the question of evil in its traditional formulation…
Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?
Part 2: Why Do the Righteous Suffer?There is a verse in Tehillim that states: “The Lord tests the righteous…”
The ABCs of Prayer
Where Does the Concept of Prayer Come From? In the Shema, we are given the commandment to ‘serve Him (Hashem) with all your heart’1. The Gemara2 explains that we achieve this through prayer. For this reason, prayer is referred to as the ‘work of the heart’3. Prayer is also a replacement for the sacrifices of…