Depictions of Mental Health in the Torah
While we cannot fully understand the nature of the illness, nor can we judge, we can certainly see that the Torah does not hide from or vilify mental illness…
The Prohibition of Believing in Other Gods
The Sefer HaChinuch in his introduction instructs us on the Sheish Mitzvot Temidiyot, The Six Constant Mitzvot …
Is Self-Care Aligned with Torah Values?
Women are compared to the moon. The moon waxes and wanes as it travels through its monthly journey. Women too, wax and wane…
The Pitfalls and Dilemmas of Agnosticism
Either this world is aimless and life is without purpose… or it has a goal and a purpose, there is a God…
If Hashem Is Everywhere, Why Do We Need a Holy Land?
Why do we need Eretz Yisrael, and what is its unique status? How can we confine the Infinite to a specific, finite space?
Is Israel Really the Safest Place for the Jewish People?
Hashem is our refuge, Israel our land. We turn to Him now and ask that He continue to bestow protection on us in our land…