Does Unity Mean Uniformity?
In fact, the beauty and functionality of the Jewish people is based on our differences. We need men and women. People studying Torah and people studying a trade…
Origins, Implications and Meaning of Candle Lighting
Parshat Beha’alotecha begins with a description of the lighting of the menorah…
The Role and Significance of the Rabbanim and Sages
Judaism is a religion of laws – halacha. Through keeping and learning our laws, we are constantly involved in our relationship with Hashem…
What Shabbat Teaches us About Jewish Vacation
The Jewish view of time is that it is our most precious commodity. We are enjoined to maximize every moment to its fullest…
Is Being Organized a Mitzva?
In short, the answer is no – being organized is not one of the 613 commandments…
Understanding the Mitzva of Believing in One God
It might seem to be simple, Hashem is One, however, the fact that it needs to be stated as a mitzvah…