The Hidden Trap of Hubris: Avoiding Complacency in Avodat Hashem
Sometimes, after initially engaging in our avodat Hashem with true dedication, we can fall into complacency…
The Eyes, Windows of the Soul: A Torah Perspective on Crying
It is no coincidence that laughter emerges from the vocal system, but tears spring from the eyes…
The Status of the Widow in Judaism
Within the Torah perspective, the widow is viewed with extreme care and sensitivity…
Cracking Up a Joke: A Torah Perspective on Laughter
Humor is part and parcel of Jewish life; both to cope with our 3000 year old (plus!) history of ups and downs…
Guarding the Gates: Eyes and Heart
The sixth and final of the six constant mitzvot is the commandment, “Do not be misled by your heart and eyes.”
A Torah Approach to Clothing: Enhancement or Treachery?
Immediately after Adam and Chava’s sin, the Torah tells us that they realised they were naked (3:7)…