Bal Tashchit & Going Green: A Torah Perspective
A story is told of the young Rav Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch, out walking one day alongside his father…
Do Women Need to Invest the Same Effort as Men into Finding Their Soulmates?
Family life lies at the heart of our Torah world…
Finding Our Way: The Role of Mentors and Models in Jewish Life
This article explores the concept of role models through the lens of Jewish tradition…
Is the “Pursuit of Happiness” a Jewish Concept?
The phrase “pursuit of happiness” is often associated with the American Declaration of Independence and modern Western ideals…
Emuna & Bitachon: Distinction, Interdependence, and the Path to True Avodat Hashem
Emuna can be understood as a broad, general belief or theoretical conviction in Hashem…
Witchcraft: Reality or Fallacy?
Far from Shakespeare’s “hubble, bubble, toil and trouble”, women and witchcraft is a complex area, setting its borders between the physical and the spiritual…