Understanding the Concept of Serving Hashem with Joy
There is a difference between serving God and serving a human being. One who serves a human being does not find joy in their work because they are not certain they will receive a reward. Even if they do receive a reward, it is not concurrent with the work itself but comes afterward. Thus, such…
The Courage to Learn: Conquering Fear and Self-Doubt
Have you ever hesitated to ask a question in a class?..
Good Match, Bad Match: Lessons on Marriage in Tanach
We bless every Jewish couple to be joyous like Adam and Chava…
Exploring Sibling Rivalry and Fraternity in the Torah
Most of the early sibling relationships in Tanach are highly fraught; with jealousy, with anger and with hatred. Starting with Kayin’s murder of Hevel, continuing to the strained differences between Shem, Cham and Yafet and finally entering the tensions of the sons of the Avot. These contentious relationships can teach us just as much as…
Good Parent, Bad Parent: Lessons on Parenting from Tanach Characters
Torah is our guidebook for life…
Contrasting the Educational Paths of Torah Study and Secular Learning
In a world often obsessed with outcomes and measurable results, the concept of learning for its own sake can seem almost foreign…