The Torah’s Balanced View on Sexuality
It seems that we live in a world where intimacy and sexuality are everywhere you look. It appears in the content of TV shows, advertisements, and might even be brought up in workplace conversation.
What Is the Torah’s View on Birth Control?
The first mitzvah in the Torah is given to Adam: pru u’reveu u’maleh et ha’aretz. “Be fruitful and multiply and fill up the land”.
Is Kollel the Ideal Way of Life?
When looking at the obligations between spouses in the Rishonim, there is no specific mention of a wife supporting her husband’s learning…
Is the Blessing “Who Did Not Make Me a Woman” Derogatory?
If anyone ever wanted proof that Judaism was sexist and patriarchal, well, here it is!
Third Wave: Do Torah and Feminism Go Hand in Hand?
Continuing on in our Feminism series, here we are going to take a look at Third Wave Feminism
Can a Woman Give a Psak Halacha?
One of the remarkable traits of halacha is how it is applied to every aspect of our lives…