Is Kollel the Ideal Way of Life?
When looking at the obligations between spouses in the Rishonim, there is no specific mention of a wife supporting her husband’s learning…
Is the Blessing “Who Did Not Make Me a Woman” Derogatory?
If anyone ever wanted proof that Judaism was sexist and patriarchal, well, here it is!Â
Third Wave: Do Torah and Feminism Go Hand in Hand?
Continuing on in our Feminism series, here we are going to take a look at Third Wave Feminism
Can a Woman Give a Psak Halacha?
One of the remarkable traits of halacha is how it is applied to every aspect of our lives…
Second Wave: Do Torah and Feminism Go Hand in Hand?
The second wave of feminism emerged in the 1960s and continued into the 1980s…
First Wave: Do Feminism and Torah Go Hand in Hand?
The first wave of feminism emerged in the late 19th century and extended into the early 20th