Unveiling the Mystery of the Sotah
Perhaps exploring the motivation and mindset of a Sotah can offer a deeper insight into not just why married women cover their hair, but what is at stake when it is uncovered.
When Can Women Serve as Witnesses?
Regarding the tradition that these witnesses must be male, the Rambam cites the fact that the verse in Devarim says “V’Amdo Shnei Anashim.”
Can a Woman Wear Tzitzit or a Talit?
What we wear matters. The Torah makes this clear in a number of places, notably giving a great deal of devotion to the garments of the priests in the book of Vayikra.
On the Discouragement of Women Wearing Tefillin
Jewish women are exempt from 14 positive time-bound mitzvot. In most of these mitzvot, women are allowed to voluntarily keep them…
The Torah’s Balanced View on Sexuality
It seems that we live in a world where intimacy and sexuality are everywhere you look. It appears in the content of TV shows, advertisements, and might even be brought up in workplace conversation.
What Is the Torah’s View on Birth Control?
The first mitzvah in the Torah is given to Adam: pru u’reveu u’maleh et ha’aretz. “Be fruitful and multiply and fill up the land”.