The Halachic and Emotional Implications of Redeeming Captives
Before we can begin to delve into the halachic background and its ramifications, we must acknowledge the deep and ravishing emotions that are and will be present in any situation where our friends and family members have been taken from us in such a violent and terrifying manner. As we stand witness to the tragedies…
First Wave: Do Feminism and Torah Go Hand in Hand?
Feminism is a complex and evolving social and political movement that has gone through several waves…
Kinyan and Ketuba: Is the Wife the Property of Her Husband?
The Ketuba takes pride of place under every Jewish chuppa throughout history. Yet, it is often misunderstood as a declaration of love or a Jewish version of wedding vows…
Why is Hashem Referred to as Male in Torah?
For every question in Judaism, there are answers on any number of layers. Often, the deepest approaches challenge us to confront the premise of the question itself…
Teaching Daughters Torah: A Folly?
The historical relationship between Jewish women and the study of Torah has hardly been predicated on halachic debate and resolution…
What Is Dat Moshe?
The concepts of Dat Moshe and Dat Yehudit are central to the discussion of tzniut…