Is There Room for Self-Expression in Judaism?
Does Judaism encourage, or even acknowledge, the expression of individuality?..
Having Children: A Woman’s Sole Purpose in This World?
It is remiss to say that either men or women have one sole purpose in this world…
Avigayil: Mastering the Art of Multitasking
A person of ‘good sense’ (sachel) is usually someone who is considered to be street smart and understands people…
Infinite Depths: Elevating Our Mitzvot Beyond Obligation
The Gemara reveals that there are 613 commandments in the Torah; however, Rabbeinu Bahya deepens our understanding by highlighting that this count is merely the beginning…
Vayeira: Our Salvation Is Born from the Impossible
Sara’s primary identity is not only as the mother of Yitzchak, but the mother of the whole Jewish nation…
Explaining The Prohibition of Kol Isha
In Shir Hashirim, the allegorical love song between Hashem and His chosen people, Shlomo Hamelech praises the beauty of the woman’s voice…