What Is the Connection between Sukkot, Simcha and Olam HaBa?
Olam HaBa, the World to Come, is what imparts meaning and happiness to our current lives…
How Can We Celebrate Simchat Torah This Year?
We feel guilty to celebrate when there are still precious members of our nation held hostage…
Can a Woman Dance with a Sefer Torah?
Communal dancing to celebrate Simchat Torah dates back as far as Geonic times, but the practice looked quite different to today…
Simchat Torah: Happy Wife, Happy Life!
Rabbi Tanhum quotes Rabbi Hanilai, who said that a man who lives without a wife lives without blessing, goodness, and true joy…
What Is the Nature of Simchat Torah’s Joy?
A woman can tap into the joy of Simchat Torah when she wants to plan a family outing – and she schedules it around her husband’s davening and learning schedule…
Bereshit: The Purpose of Chava’s Curses
In the same way that we view the curses as a guide for the woman’s quest to self-perfection, we can also present the three primary mitzvot of women in this way…