Feminine Lessons from Tu Bishvat
Unless you live in Australia, you’re likely wearing muted winter colours and textures…
Beshalach: The Tambourines and Jewish Women’s Unshakable Faith
Parshat Beshalach opens with the Egyptian pursuit of the Jews into the desert, and the splitting of the Red Sea…
Tu B’shvat: Failure Is a Catalyst for Growth
As the winter in Israel begins to fade, and Shvat heralds in the promise of spring, we celebrate Tu B’shvat – the Rosh Hashana of the trees.
Are Virtue Ethics Compatible with Torah Thought?
According to virtue ethics, being a virtuous person matters more than just the specific actions or their results…
What Is Prophecy and Why Don’t We Have It Nowadays?
Prophecy, called nevuah in Hebrew, is found in numerous places in Tanach. It is considered a basic tenet of Judaism.
Is Consequentialism Compatible with Torah Thought?
The question thus arises: how did Adam come to sin? What led him to make the wrong choice?..