Shemini: Ask Your Elders!
‘And it was on the eighth day…’ It was the first of Nissan, the day they had spent seven days preparing for the day of the inauguration of the Mishkan.
Purim: Timing is Everything
The popular expression “in the right place, at the right time” holds significant importance in the story of Purim.
Lala Soulika: Dying for the Sake of Tzniut
Born in the Moroccan city of Tangiers in 1817, Soulika Hadjuel was an extremely pious woman. From a young age, she had an outpouring love for Torah and mitzvot. Her tzniut and Jewish pride stood out in everything she did.
Gluckel of Hamelin: Writing as a Form of Prayer
If you were to step into your local Jewish bookstore on any given day, you’d be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of published memoirs on the shelves.
What Is the Torah’s View on Birth Control?
The first mitzvah in the Torah is given to Adam: pru u’reveu u’maleh et ha’aretz. “Be fruitful and multiply and fill up the land”.
Tzav: There’s No Shame in a Wicker Basket
Of the many korbanot (sacrifices) that a person may bring in his lifetime, one that the Torah speaks about in this week’s parsha is the chat’at, the sin-offering.