Miriam: A Prophetess and a Leader
We first meet Miriam as she appears with the name Puah. Rashi explains that the two midwives, Shifra and Puah, who helped the women in Egypt give birth…
Analyzing the Timeless Lessons of the Eishet Chayil
Verses 13-17In the third article of a series, we will continue to delve into the verses of Eishet Chayil, this time looking at Mishlei 31:22-26…
Vayakhel: There Is No Wisdom to Woman Except the Spindle
This week’s parsha discusses the donations of the “chachmei leiv”, the wise-hearted men and women who gave materials towards the Mishkan…
Is the Blessing “Who Did Not Make Me a Woman” Derogatory?
If anyone ever wanted proof that Judaism was sexist and patriarchal, well, here it is!
What Is the Purpose of the Oral Torah?
Without the oral law, we would not have all the information regarding mitzvot and issurim…