Can a Woman Wear Tzitzit or a Talit?
What we wear matters. The Torah makes this clear in a number of places, notably giving a great deal of devotion to the garments of the priests in the book of Vayikra.
Behar: A Godly Vision
There are some decisions in life that just seem so obvious. Should we move to a warm community or an unfriendly one? Send to an excellent school or a poor one?
On the Discouragement of Women Wearing Tefillin
Jewish women are exempt from 14 positive time-bound mitzvot. In most of these mitzvot, women are allowed to voluntarily keep them…
Is Eating Healthy a Mitzvah?
Hashem gifted us with a body to encase our holy neshama. We thank Him for it every morning…
Contrasting Women and the Sefira of Netzach
Netzach is the fourth of the seven sefirot and the first of the second group. The first three are considered to represent a person’s upper body.