What Does the Torah Say About War?
As in all other areas of life, the Torah has crucial insight into the topic of war–when to wage it, whether to siege a city, how to treat non-combatants and property, and many other issues.
Humility, the Opposite of Arrogance
Part 2: Humility on a Practical LevelHow do we rid ourselves of arrogance and accustom ourselves to an existence of humility?
Cultivating Calmness: Lessons from our Matriarchs
Work. School. Community. Home. Life is busy. There is no doubt about it. We live in a world where most of us women wear different hats, take on many roles, and divide our time between family, friends, and various responsibilities.
Tazria: Music to One’s Ears
We turn to the parsha this week, the portion in which we learn about the sin of lashon hara, (lit. evil speech, gossip)
The Torah’s Balanced View on Sexuality
It seems that we live in a world where intimacy and sexuality are everywhere you look. It appears in the content of TV shows, advertisements, and might even be brought up in workplace conversation.
Osnat: How Can the Daughter of an Immoral Priest Become Yosef’s Wife?
Osnat is arguably one of the most mysterious characters in the Tanach.