Pekudei: Self-Accounting in Judaism
This week’s parsha begins with the pekudim, a full accounting of every shekel and kikar donated towards the Mishkan…
Interview with Stacey Goldman, Yoetzet Halacha
Thousands of women in certain factions of the Jewish world only encountered Taharat Hamishpacha later in life…
Gratitude and Its Levels
Gratitude is a part of our essence, and is what defines us as a nation…
Sarah Schenirer: The Woman Who Revolutionized Jewish Girls’ Education
Schenirer understood that it was critical not just to teach, but also excite Jewish girls, about their religion.
Miriam: A Prophetess and a Leader
We first meet Miriam as she appears with the name Puah. Rashi explains that the two midwives, Shifra and Puah, who helped the women in Egypt give birth…
Analyzing the Timeless Lessons of the Eishet Chayil
Verses 13-17In the third article of a series, we will continue to delve into the verses of Eishet Chayil, this time looking at Mishlei 31:22-26…