Batya: Facilitator of the Jewish People’s Redemption
The story of Moshe Rabbeinu and, by extension, the geula of the Jewish people from Mitzrayim, is incomplete without Batya…
The Omer: Counting Each Day and Making Each Day Count
Although we refer to this time period as ‘the Omer’, this term is actually a measurement…
Contrasting Women and The Sefira of Chesed
The period of the counting of the Omer brings with it an opportunity to work on ourselves, increasing each day in our readiness to receive the Torah.
The Three Types of Fear in Judaism
Rabbi Yisroel Bernath, a Montreal-based Chabad rabbi, wrote a beautiful piece in which he distinguished between two different Hebrew words for fear: pachad and yira.
A Feminine Perspective on Matza
The bread of faith which fills the stomach of every Jew over Pesach is more than just an unleavened cracker.
Pesach: Learning from Our Past without Being Stuck in It
A surefire way to ensure you find yourself friendless pretty soon is to stay stuck in the past.