Dona Gracia Nasi: The Angel of the Inquisition
Little is known about Dona Gracia, a woman thousands of conversos and persecuted Jews called by no other name than ‘Our Angel’
Ervah: Definition, Implications and Meaning
We see ervah referenced in Tanakh in a few places, namely in parshat Acharei-mot, where it details illicit sexual relationships…
Contrasting the Sefira of Yesod and Women
The sefira of Yesod is a pivotal concept in Kabbalistic thought, serving as a bridge between the Divine and the material world.
Beruria: A Scholarly Woman Before Her Time
It is rare that we find the name of a woman mentioned in the Talmud. Beruria was one such exception…
Bechukotai: Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Hashem is encouraging us that familiarity with us will never cause Him to look down on us or to seek distance.