Kedoshim: Making Torah Our Own
We are now in the time of Sefirat HaOmer, the 49-day count which takes us, step-by-step, from the physical liberty of Egypt to the spiritual freedom of Sinai.
Lessons of Faith in Kriyat Yam Suf
The Jewish people have finally been freed after 210 years of slavery. They stand poised to begin their lives in the Promised Land…
Contrasting Women and the Sefira of Gevura
The world was created and infused with different middot with which to guide and instruct human actions and choices…
A Torah’s Outlook on Livelihood
“Six days of the week you shall labor.” The Torah commands us to work, to toil for the six days of the week leading up to Shabbos.
Speaking Up: Women in Tanach Who Changed Jewish People’s Lives
There comes a time in many moments of our lives where we have the opportunity to speak up and make a difference.
Acharei Mot: Distancing Ourselves from Non-Jewish Practices
This week’s parsha makes reference to what we call “chukot hagoy,” which means the practices of other nations.